Written by Editorial on May 15, 2022

Renting a Charter Bus For Hospital Shuttle Service

During these difficult times, the last thing hospital and medical personnel should have to worry about is how they’ll get to work. Remove one source of stress for your nurses, doctors, physical therapists, and office staff by booking a shuttle service to carry them to the hospital or clinic each day. Nationwide Bus Charter has experience in setting up long-term shuttle service, and we can help your team find the buses you need when you call us at 800-439-2015 to speak with one of our Charter Bus experts to get your shuttle service setup.

Why Use A Charter Bus?

On public transit, you have no direct control over whether other people wear masks, how often the train or bus seats are sanitized, or how close people will sit or stand. A charter bus offers you the ability to set your own regulations.

Require passengers to wear masks and receive temperature checks, ask your driver to sanitize at the end of each trip, or request a 56-person bus even if you only need to transport 25 people so everyone has ample room to social distance. Your driver will always wear a mask and make sure the bus gets cleaned, and your team will only be exposed to people they already work with instead of to hundreds of strangers.

You Setup The Route and Schedule

Public transportation often serves the center of cities but doesn’t extend fully into the outskirts or suburbs. With a shuttle service, you can create your own route and pick up employees even if they don’t live in a specific area of town.

Public transit is also often designed to accommodate 9-5 work schedules. Far more buses or trains will run at 7:30 a.m. or 5 p.m. than at midnight or 4 a.m. But hospitals don’t work on a 9-5 schedule. A private shuttle can accommodate shifts that start and end at any time. Just let us know when you need transportation, and we’ll provide it.

I'm Ready To Get Started

Ready to setup your Hospital Shuttle Service? Nationwide Bus Charter and it's friendly staff are ready and waiting to help your Hospital Shuttle Service to meet your needs. Give us a call at 800-439-2015 or visit our website at www.nationwidebuscharter.com.

Article written by Editorial

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